
After Abortion

There is hope!


are a non-judgmental space to talk about the complex emotions surrounding an abortion experience. But it’s more than just talking – it’s offering a powerful opportunity to emerge from isolation, gain new perspective, and connect with others to seek healing.


Georgia Williams

Program Leader


“MY ABORTION RECOVERY SMALL GROUP helped me bring to light something I had tried to forget altogether. My abortion was something I had buried deep down and heaped with piles of remorse, regret, and disgust.
I needed help lifting those things off myself. It hurt too much for me to do it on my own. Going through a class helped me slowly remove those piles and replace them with loving truth from God’s Word. I felt a wound heal that I thought would hurt forever.
Through my recovery process, I found forgiveness that had been there waiting for me all along. I finally felt worthy enough to pick it up and claim it as my own.”

– Georgia,
An Abortion Recovery Graduate

We understand, and we are here to support YOU.

In our small groups, forgiveness and freedom are available and healing is possible. Our gender-specific, small groups meet throughout South Hampton Roads. If you or someone you know could benefit from abortion recovery, call us at 757.797.4575.


AFTER JUST ONE INTIMATE EXPERIENCE, Ben’s girlfriend was pregnant.
He hoped by ignoring the situation it would just work out. But it didn’t. His girlfriend didn’t have the support of her parents, who demanded she have an abortion and Ben pay for it.
Afterward, Ben experienced severe emotional numbness, confusion, and separation. Many years later, married and a new dad, Ben realized his son was his second child. He recognized he needed healing. After years of not being able to process his experience, Ben joined one of CPC’s abortion recovery small groups for men. For the first time, he could talk to someone who understood.
Ben now facilitates a men’s abortion recovery small group to help other men struggling with their abortion experience.

“If I never attended a group, I would still be dealing with this emotional scar in my life.”


An Abortion Recovery Graduate

Contact Information

The Keim Centers

If you or someone you know could benefit from abortion recovery, fill out the form below or call us at 757.797.4575.

Preferred Contact Method

GIVE US A CALL: 757.797.4575