

Informed Written Consent. According to Virginia law, the medical personnel providing the abortion will need to get a pregnant woman’s informed written consent that she wants to have an abortion. Informed consent means that the medical provider talks with the patient about the dangerous risks and alternatives to abortion before obtaining her consent.  

Option of a limited ultrasound.  A limited ultrasound is recommended if a patient is unsure how far along she is in the pregnancy, or if ectopic pregnancy is suspected. A recent study demonstrated that some women want to have to option to see their unborn baby before making a final decision about their pregnancy. 

It is important to note that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not recommend purchasing abortion drugs online. These drugs should only be dispensed by pharmacies certified to do so under the FDA REMS program. Before proceeding with a medical abortion, a patient needs to ask if the pharmacy from which she is receiving the drugs is a REMS certified dispenser. 

Emergency Contact Information. The healthcare professional providing the abortion should also provide patients with: 

  1. What to do in case of adverse reactions to misoprostol
  2. A phone # to call if a patient has questions about misoprostol
  3. The name and contact # of the healthcare provider to call in case of emergency

The mifepristone drug packaging insert should also provide a phone # for a patient to call if she has questions about mifepristone. 

During the abortion

The following information is taken directly from the Mifiprex label.  

The first pill that is taken on day one is mifepristone. Then 24-48 hours later, misoprostol is taken. Cramping and bleeding to expel the baby usually begins within 2-24 hours after taking the second drug, misoprostol. 

All patients should expect uterine cramping and bleeding to take place. For many patients, the bleeding is heavier than what is normally expected with a menstrual period. If two thick menstrual pads are saturated with blood within one hour x 2 hours, however, it is important for that patient to seek emergency medical attention because this is too much blood loss. 

Most patients who take the mifepristone + misoprostol regimen will have at least one side effect, and some will have more than one. The most common side effects are GI upset, headaches, dizziness, weakness, and fever or chills. However, a fever of 100.4F degrees lasting for 4 hours or more, or abdominal/pelvic pain a few days after the abortion can be a sign of infection. 

What if I change my mind about having an abortion? 

In some instances, a patient may decide that they do not want to follow through with the medication abortion and instead desire to prevent the pregnancy from ending. Sometimes termination of the pregnancy can be avoided if a patient takes a prescribed dose of progesterone within 72 hours (about 3 days) of taking mifepristone, the first drug in the abortion pill regimen. More information on abortion pill reversal is available here

Post- Abortion 

According to the Mifiprex label, it is important for a patient to have a follow-up appointment with their healthcare provider 7 to 14 days after taking the abortion pills to make sure that the procedure was completed, and that there is nothing retained inside the uterus. 

It is not unusual for patients to experience vaginal bleeding/ spotting for between 9 to 16 days, with some patients experiencing spotting for up to 30 days or more. 

One study estimates that about 2 out of every 100 patients who have an abortion will experience complications from the procedure, such as excessive bleeding, infection, or injuries to organs. 

For some women, undergoing an abortion can have an adverse impact on their mental and emotional health. A recent study demonstrated that nearly two-thirds of women associated their abortion with negative emotions, for example, guilt and grief, as well as a general decline in mental health. Many women also reported high levels of stress surrounding their decision to abort.

 Post Abortion Stress Syndrome is a term that describes a cluster of symptoms similar to PTSD which some women may experience after an abortion. These symptoms can include flashbacks, guilt, anxiety, depression, emotional numbness, depression, and suicidal ideation. 

If you are experiencing any of these emotional side effects from an abortion, it is important to find support and help. Click here to learn more about abortion recovery.